Your path to a
successful career

How To Make Better Impressions Through Body Language

Nonverbal communication helps define your personal brand and plays an important role in everyday interactions. Good body language leads to making better impressions which leads to better business. Learn the do’s and don’ts of good body language here

7 Situations Where A Thank You Note Really Matters

A thank you note is a powerful and necessary tool in a variety of professional situations. While everyone knows to write a thank you note after a job interview, many other scenarios also warrant one. You can find those instances of when to write a thank you note and why it really matters here

10 Phrases That Sabotage Communications

In daily communications, specific words choices can shape the impression you make on others. Communication is weakened when it’s riddled with qualifiers and fillers, which undermine credibility, confidence and authority. Learn how to communicate better and the 10 phrases that you should avoid here

The Secret To Better Networking: How To Introduce Yourself

What you say (and how) when you meet someone influences that person’s first impression of you. Read more about how to introduce yourself and make more powerful impressions when networking here.

The Art of the Thank You Note

Writing a thank you note after a job interview is not optional. This expression of gratitude after an interview is not only good manners, it’s good strategy, keeping you top-of-mind with a potential employer. The thank you note is your opportunity to reinforce why you’re a strong candidate and reiterate your interest in the role you’ve interviewed for.

Why Employees’ LinkedIn Profiles Matter

You may not realize their importance, but your employees’ LinkedIn profiles reflect your company’s brand.

As a company leader or business owner, you think about at least 20 important things at any given time, but chances are that one of them is not how optimized employee LinkedIn profiles can increase the visibility of your brand. Nor is it that employee LinkedIn profiles can impact how your company appears in search results both on and off LinkedIn.

How Response Time Impacts Your Personal Brand

When faced with competing priorities in today’s busy world, responding to everyone who reaches out to you is a challenge, but responding noticeably late (or not at all) is detrimental to job and business opportunities. More broadly, a poor response time reflects negatively on you as a professional, and in turn, on your personal brand. By not acknowledging communications, you impress upon senders a lack of respect for them or their business, indicate that you’re not on top of your workload or that you don’t pay attention to detail –- undesirable conclusions all around.

How To Follow Up Effectively When Networking

So, you’ve pushed back your keyboard and attended events to make new connections. Great start, since networking is the #1 way to find a new job and build professional relationships! But, what’s the most effective networking strategy for following up with those who can help you land your next role or grow your business?

Why Your Body Language Matters in Business

Your body language, or non-verbal communication, may unintentionally convey a different meaning than the words you say. In any professional situation, your posture, hand and arm gestures and tone of voice affect your message and may impact business and job opportunities.

9 Secrets to Creating a Strong Personal Brand

Communicating a consistent, strong personal brand is important — whether you’re looking for a new job, seeking a promotion, cultivating new business or advancing your career.

Your personal brand is a holistic representation of who you are personally and professionally. It is not a single statement or tagline; rather, it encompasses your strengths, expertise, the results and impact you achieve and unique methods you employ to produce quality work. It also includes your character, ethics, principles and behavior.

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New York, NY 10022